Interested in Online Giving? But, have Questions?
Read this Online Giving FAQ.
If you have other questions, please don't hesitate to contact us: 912-487-5534 or by email (
Will my financial information be safe?
Short answer: Yes. VANCO has been sponsored by the United Methodist Church since 2002. They go to great lengths to keep your information private and safe.
Longer answer: See VANCO's security explanation here.
Who will see my giving results on HUMC's end?
As with other types of giving, our financial secretary will be the only one taking care of online giving.
Why can't I just give a check in the offering plate (or through the mail)?
Don't worry, you can! We are not doing away with the offering as a part of our worship service. We are just giving another option for those who wish to take advantage of digital giving.
What if I feel strange not putting money in the offering plate?
You are in luck. We provide cards (on desktops see an example to the right; on mobile devices at the bottom) for you to place in
the offering plate. So you can still tangibly participate in the act of worship we call an offering. These cards can be found in the
backs of each pew, right next to the Hymnals and Bibles.
Will I be charged anything to give online to Homerville UMC?
No. There are small fees associated with each transaction that our Church covers as part of our agreement with VANCO. If you would like to help us cover these costs, just add $0.45 to each gift.
I don't believe in using Credit Cards. Can I still give online to Homerville UMC?
Yes. Debit Cards are also accepted.
What is the processing time for online giving to Homerville UMC?
Credit and debit card transactions are processed and deposited into your organization's bank account without unnecessary delay within 2-3 business days.
Will I receive a confirmation of my giving?
If you provide your email address, you will receive an email confirmation of your donation or payment. Otherwise, the transaction will appear on your bank statement or credit card statement with the name of our Church and the dollar amount.