About Us
Below you will find some brief information about our history, staff/leaders, and how we can be reached. We hope that you will find this to be helpful.
Our History

The Methodists of Homerville were organized in 1875 and met in the courthouse. The present church building was begun in 1913 (finished 1914) and is the oldest existing church in Clinch County.
For almost 140 years, our church has been ministering to the people of Homerville and Clinch County. Currently, our church has an emphasis on children and continues to support Ms. Bertha's Soup Kitchen.
Past and present, the Spirit of God is at work in our midst. We would love for you to come and be a part of our future!
Our Staff and Leaders
We have the best staff and leaders here at Homerville Untied Methodist Church. Scroll over each picture to learn more about each person.

Rev. Joseph Carter Pastor of HUMC

Ms. Lavern Glover Nursery Worker and Custodian Lavern lovingly cares for our children, and keeps our Church looking beautiful.
Additional Staff:
Abby Smith- Financial Secretary
Shemika Wesley - Nursery Worker
Contact Us
Feel free to reach us via our secure email server with any questions, concerns, or prayer requests.
Contact Information
Homerville UMC
Physical: 202 S. Church St.
Mail: PO Box 145
Homerville, GA 31634